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hardly anyone can do what I do pouch

April 24, 2023

even my husband, who adores me can find fault. but my dog, never.  my dog thinks I’m perfect.  (particularly when I have a treat in my hand.)

this bag is 6 inches by 8 inches and is made by hand by happy people in New York City.

I am a crazy new yorker pouch

October 15, 2021

once when visiting new york for a month, a man walked by my sublet wearing a wonderfully detailed tin foil hat. he passed by every day and no one even glanced at him.  after about two weeks, I thought to myself, “I could happily live in a place where a man can walk down the street wearing his crazy on his sleeve and no one gives a damn.”  and that’s how i became a crazy new yorker, too.

this bag is 6 inches by 8 inches.

I am as happy as a girl wearing a dress with pockets pouch

January 23, 2019

I’ve always wondered why men get pockets in their jackets, on their shirts, in their pants but we woman have to make due with lugging around a heavy purse.  if you’ve ever seen a little boy pull all his most treasured things from his jean pocket, you know the joy of that tiny little slip of fabric.  long live pockets.  say it again.  long live pockets.

this bag is 6 x 8 inches and like the best pockets, hold all your important stuff.

I am rather fond of New York pouch

April 5, 2024

to be honest that’s a little bit of an understatement, but it gets my point across, right?

this bag is 6 inches by 8 inches and is made by hand by happy people in New York City.

secret to happiness chocolate pouch

October 6, 2021

I know, somewhere, there are New Yorkers who were born in New York, but most of us found our way to this marvelous city.  and all of us were new here at one point.  be proud you made the choice.

this bag is 6 inches by 8 inches.

anywhere but New York sucks pouch

April 5, 2024

listen, I know there are a lot of great places on the planet, but to my mind, compared to the amazing greatness of New York, everywhere else sucks.  correct?

this bag is 6 inches by 8 inches and is made by hand by happy people in New York City.

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